Send Your Books GLOBAL--
the SKYPE Way!
the SKYPE Way!
Skype makes it happen-
like Magic!
like Magic!
To reach the widest possible number of kids
and HOOK them on the Joy of Reading.
and HOOK them on the Joy of Reading.
ANYWHERE there is a Skype Connection, and an enthusiastic
teacher who wants class English to thrive! PLUS-- time zones
that are workable for both the teacher and the writer.
Below are some of the countries I have
flown my Magic Carpet of Books into:
Numerous USA Classrooms
ANYWHERE there is a Skype Connection, and an enthusiastic
teacher who wants class English to thrive! PLUS-- time zones
that are workable for both the teacher and the writer.
Below are some of the countries I have
flown my Magic Carpet of Books into:
Numerous USA Classrooms
New Zealand
Skype is FREE to join--
and your Visit can also be free.
What teacher doesn't LOVE a 'freeby.'
A webcam, a computer, and a published book, plus a Skype
account, and you are all set. Register with Education Skype,
and look for teachers who are eager to give their classes a
reading and writing boost. Let teachers on social media
know you are eager to visit.
This is a wonderful way to HOOK those reluctant readers
on READING, and get others interested in writing their
own stories.
HEY-- It's FREE! What can you lose?
My Skype visit makes kids aware of 'The Wonder of Words.'
Of how to choose words that sparkle with meaning, and string
them together in a way that paints vivid mental pictures with
sentences and paragraphs. I show how a book is born,
developed, and published. A book reading
+ a fun Q and A follows.
Reading is a Magic Carpet Ride
to a lifetime of fun, adventure,
and learning.
And AMAZON is in many countries
that teach English.
Books for Kids--Manuscript Critiques
Skype Author Visits
Skype is FREE to join--
and your Visit can also be free.
What teacher doesn't LOVE a 'freeby.'
A webcam, a computer, and a published book, plus a Skype
account, and you are all set. Register with Education Skype,
and look for teachers who are eager to give their classes a
reading and writing boost. Let teachers on social media
know you are eager to visit.
This is a wonderful way to HOOK those reluctant readers
on READING, and get others interested in writing their
own stories.
HEY-- It's FREE! What can you lose?
My Skype visit makes kids aware of 'The Wonder of Words.'
Of how to choose words that sparkle with meaning, and string
them together in a way that paints vivid mental pictures with
sentences and paragraphs. I show how a book is born,
developed, and published. A book reading
+ a fun Q and A follows.
Reading is a Magic Carpet Ride
to a lifetime of fun, adventure,
and learning.
And AMAZON is in many countries
that teach English.
Books for Kids--Manuscript Critiques
Skype Author Visits