Tuesday, May 6, 2014

SUPER Skype Visit - in Oklahoma!

A Terrific School Visit Picture

Kids from a 3rd grade class in Oklahoma
I Skyped with today - May 6th 2014
I read to them from Taconi and Claude, showed some Aussie aboriginal artifacts, and chatted about the craft of writing, where ideas come from, and how to HOOK readers with powerful and active words - paint word pictures!  They are reading my Kangaroo Clues and Down Under Calling at the moment.
There were lots of questions to answer and a few laughs and giggles.  Terrific enthusiasm. And none of this could have come about without the help of a dedicated and willing teacher.  My thanks to Mrs Hime - awesome lady!

I felt so jazzed when the visit ended.  I rushed out and told my husband (who was gardening) all about it.  I just love flying in on my Magic Carpet of Books and telling kids about the magic of books.


It is AMAZING where SKYPE can fly my Magic Carpet of BOOKS!! Earlier this month it was to a hospital classroom. Next week it is to Casablanca, MOROCCO!
Yes, you read this right.  I will say hello to Bogart and Bergman for you!!

It is a kid's summer camp that teaches English and other subjects. YEA. . . the world my books reach becomes smaller every day: http://virtualschoolvisits.blogspot.com/

Books for Kids - Manuscript Critiques
